Agency distributes anti-malaria inputs
The Agency is distributing Artemether and Lumefantrine (20+120) mg (quartum) pharmaceuticals to prevent malaria outbreak in the coming seasons, storage administration expert, Bereket Tezera announced on October 20, 2019.
According to information sent to the Agency from Public Health Institute, pharmaceuticals worth over 5 million birr are under distribution to serve 304, 200 people.
The expert stated that towards addressing the outbreak, an Emergency Operation Center has been established in Public Health Institute comprising of people from the Ministry of Health, the Agency and the Institute.
Bereket explained that the establishment of the center helps address the outbreak in a concerted manner.
The expert also stated that using bed nets sprayed with preventive chemicals plays a key role in fighting malaria, which is a major disease in sub-Saharan Africa caused by mosquito bites.