EPSS completed the preliminary preparation to implement the Enterprise Resource Planning system
The Ethiopian Pharmaceuticals Supply Service completed the preliminary preparation for the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system implementation and ready to kick off the project. With the support of the quality, control and contract management consultant Deloitte, the ERP PMO office completed several preliminary activities leading to the main implementation phase.
As part of the preliminary activity, the relevant directorate’s current state process (AS-IS workflow) and Business Requirement documentation completed. Moreover, future state processes (TO-BE workflow) are also developed based on the future state requirements of the ERP modules. Information’s organised based on the requirements for the new ERP modules. Apart from this, separate discussions were held with relevant departments and executors regarding the future state process flows.
In parallel, based on the business requirement document, EPSS announced the contract preparation and negotiations are finalised and are currently ready to sign the contract with the system integrator by purchasing the software license.
Congratulation for all higher management of EPSS and for all staffs as well. It might be a great result of the directors .i.e. Dr Abdulkadir , Mr Solomon and others, there were inevitable contribution of staffs and second staffs!!