Title: TGF-19-063 Project Coordinator for Ethiopian Pharmaceuticals Supply Agency (EPSA) Sourcing Application RFP n.29417 (search for this number in the system)
RFP Information Table
RFP Issue Date:
02 Aug 2019
Deadline for Questions:
12 August 2019
RFP Closing Date:
August 2019
RFP Closing Time:
17:00 CEST (Swiss Time) *
Proposal and Question Submission
Following URL for Sourcing Application: (1)
Global Fund Contact and Contact Information
For clarification on the time in different time zones please check on www.timeanddate.com
The Sourcing application will automatically close this RFP at the exact closing time stated
above, and past this time the uploading of documents (even partially uploaded) will nolonger be possible. We would therefore strongly advise that the uploading of submissions be
fully finalized at least 30 minutes before the RFP’s closing time as there are always risks of
having network, internet or uploading issues.
Please read the following attachments for additional information