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Adama Cluster

Ato Asres Teshome

Adama Branch Manager and Cluster Coordinator

Adama branch is located 100 km from Addis. It serves 7.8 million people. There are 342 health facilities (hospitals and health centers) the branch caters to. These facilities reside in three regions: Arsi, Bale, East Showa, and partial West Arsi from Oromia, Two woredas of North Showa from Amhara, and five woredas of Afar region.

The branch’s 3,200 m2 warehouse with a total volume of 22,400 m3 has 5,724 m3 available for storage, 6,488 m3 not for storage, 3,161 m3 used for storage and a palate capacity of 3,180.

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  • Adama branch serves as a center of excellence and continues to make great progress in shifting to contemporary service from traditional operation in warehousing and inventory management. Our professionalism enhances the probability of success at every step. Our goal is to create an efficient inventory management which will translate into long term winning strategies and exponential growth for the country’s pharmaceuticals supply chain management system.
  • From government through to the faith community, there’s a genuine groundswell and focus on seeing a healthy citizen. We’re proud to be working with a wide range of dedicated caring individuals and respected stakeholders engaged in assuring quality pharmaceuticals. Our development partners support us in capacity building, system strengthening, human resource development and process optimization in reaching the unreached.

We envision a future marked by growth and fulfilment of our mission to provide the best and most comprehensive health care to our society. From our state-of-the-art facilities and advanced technology to our SCM, the branch is committed to serve health facilities in the catchment area





Adama Project Office
Location – Adama Town kebele-03 Adama Town
Address Adama Adama
Distance from Addis Ababa 100 KM 100 KM
Branch Manager Name Ato Asres Teshome W/r Emebu Tadesse
Telephone – Mobile +251-953-540061 +251-901-724517
Email epsa.adama@gmail.com
Manager office +251-221-119225
Deputy Branch Manager +251-962-013077
Human resource Case Team Coordinator +251-221-125425
Fund Management Case Team Coordinator 251-221-125409
General Service Case Team Coordinator +251-221-125425
Warehousing and Inventory Control Coordinator +251-221-125411
Distribution and Fleet Management Case Team Coordinator +251-221-125411
Forecasting and Capacity Building Case Team Coordinator +251-221-125411
Fax No +251-221-125459
Population  7.8 million.
Catchment Profile
S.N Respective Branch Region (no of )  No. Zone No. WoHO / Town HO Health facility by Level Health facility by Service Type Health facility by Mode of Delivery Health facility by ownership
Hospital Health Center Others ART PMTCT Other Direct Indirect Public Private
1 Adama Branch 3 6 72 31 306 104 123 110 228 109 331 6

Ethiopian Pharmaceuticals Supply Service – EPSS