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Central Cluster

Muluken Moges

Addis Ababa Branch Manager and Central Cluster Coordinator

The Central Cluster comprises of Addis Ababa 1 and 2 branches. Addis Ababa 1 serves seven sub-cities in the capital: Akaki Kaliti, Nifas Silk Lafto, Kirkos, Kolfe, Lideta, Addis Ketema and Arada. It also serves Western Shoa, South Western Shoa and some surrounding areas of Finfine from Oromia region. From the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples’ region, the branch serves Gurage zone entirely, Hosaena town of Hadiya zone and two woredas of Silte zone: Mugo and Lera. Addis Ababa 2, on the other hand, serves Gulele, Bole and Yeka sub-cities in Addis while it covers Northern Shoa zone of Amhara region partially, Northern Shoa of Oromia zone entirely and surrounding areas of Finfine partially.

The cluster sustainably provides program pharmaceuticals (those of HIV, TB, Malaria and family planning) and RDF pharmaceuticals.



Addis Ababa

Branch NO. 1

Addis Ababa Branch

NO. 2

Location – Nifas silk lafto sub city .Hana Mariam,around commercial bank hanamariam branch. Around Jakrose
Address Woreda 12
Distance from Addis Ababa
Branch Manager Name Ato Muluken Moges  W/t Meseret Adugna
Telephone – Mobile +251-904-032855  +251-911-429842
Email muluken_moges@yahoo.com  mesaduyig11@gmail.com
Manager office Manager office – 0118333276


Deputy Branch Manager    –
Human resource Case Team Coordinator +251-118-695188
General Service Case Team Coordinator +251-118-695188
Distribution and Fleet Management Case Team Coordinator +251-118-334246
Warehousing and Inventory Control Coordinator +251-118-332441 +251-913-563090
Forecasting and capacity building Case Team Coordinator +251-118-699477
Fund Management Case Team Coordinator
fax No +251-114-710609
Catchment Profile
S.N Respective Branch Region (no of )  No. Zone No. WoHO /Town HO Health facility By Level Health facility By Service Type Health facility by Mode of Delivery Health facility ownership
Hospital Health Center Others ART PMTCT Other Direct Indirect Public Private
1 Addis Ababa Branch 3 13 54 44 275 600 137 174 2 139 174 301 618
2 Addis Ababa Branch 1No.2 2 & 1 City Admin 6 34 28 171 21 92 125 3 112 108 195 25

Ethiopian Pharmaceuticals Supply Service – EPSS