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Northern Cluster

Hewan Semere


With the coordinating branch located in Mekele City, 788 kms away from the capital Addis Ababa, the Northern Cluster encompasses Mekele, Semera and Shire branches. The cluster serves 377 governmental health facilities with a population size of 8.4 Million people.

As the coordinating branch for the cluster, Mekele branch has structural units that go along with the additional responsibility. These units include: Deputy Hub Manager, Audit Case Team, Cold-room Technician, and Anti-corruption and Ethics Officer. These additional units and its seniority give the coordinating office the edge to provide the other two branches in the cluster with technical and administrative support. Some of these support activities are: supervising the other branches in the cluster, arranging benchmarking practices, cold-room preventive maintenance, and auditing overage and shortage of annual inventories. Recently, the coordinating hub has also been used as a transit warehouse for branches in its catchment area.

S/n Descriptions Mekele Shire Semera
1 Location Mekele Shire-endaslasie Semera
2 Address Mekele-Ayder sub City Kebele 03 Hamiday Infront of Maret Geraj Shire-kebele 01 beside Guna -trading plc Semera Town
3 Distance from Addis Ababa 788 KM 1380 KM 587 KM
4 Branch Manager Name Ato Alemayohu G/Mariam Ato Muley Abera Ato Abdulhay Abdulshehim
5 Branch Manager E-mail alexgeb2007@yahoo.com or alexpfsa2007@gmail.com 0914705264ma@gmail.com abdulhay2005@gmail.com
6 Telephone- Mobile +251-914-014754 +251-914-705264 +251-911-93-9210


7 Manager office +251-344-400360 +251-342-440021
8 Fax No +251-344-415908
9 Deputy Branch Manager                        —                    —–
9 Human resource Case Team Coordinator +251-344-416212


10 Fund Management Case Team Coordinator +251-344-406543


11 General Service Case Team Coordinator +251-344-416230


12 Warehousing and Inventory Control Coordinator +251-342-410156




13 Distribution and Fleet Management Case Team Coordinator +251-342-410156


14 Forecasting , Market Shaping and Capacity Building Case Team Coordinator +251-344-402029


15 Audit Case Team Coordinator +251-922-512886
19 Population Served 4.8 Million 1.7million 1.9 million
Catchment Profile
S.N Respective Branch Region (no of )  No. Zone No. WoHO / Town HO Health facility by Level Health facility by Service Type Health facility by Mode of Delivery Health faciltyBy ownership
Hospital Health Center Others ART PMTCT Other Direct Indirect Public Private
1 Mekele Branch 2 6 42 34 166 3 102 100 1 184 19 191 12
2 Shire Branch 1 3 16 14 85 42 57 89 10 86 13
3 Semera Branch 1 5 26 9 54 16 28 19 46 17 60 3

Ethiopian Pharmaceuticals Supply Service – EPSS