Next Stop: Electronic Pharmaceuticals Request and Consumption Notification Form

Director General of EPSA, Dr. Loko Abraham, disclosed during a workshop at the Time Hotel in Dessie town on January 13, 2019 that the Agency is working to change the pharmaceuticals request and consumption notification form from manual to electronic.
In attendance were the administrator of Southern Wollo, Food, Medicine and Health Care Administration and Control Authority (FMHACA) officials, and heads of hospitals and health centers.
Dr. Loko reminded participants of the identification of 1,373 pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, supplies and reagents by the Agency as the basic pharmaceuticals supplied by the Agency.
He then noted that the electronic form would help health centers keep their pharmaceutical requests within the identified list while making the service more efficient.
Accordingly, concluded the Director General, an electronic pharmaceuticals request and consumption notification form that would enable health centers and other relevant stakeholders communicate their pharmaceutical demands and consumption data with EPSA very easily is set to become operational recently.