The Dire Dawa Health Bureau is working in collaboration with the agency branch

Lelem Bezabeh, head of the Dire Dawa Administration Health Bureau, said that they are working closely with the Dire Dawa branch of the Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Agency to deliver medicines to the community. “We are aware of the impact of the shortage of medicines as a country,” she said.
He recalled that in some cases, medical supplies were delayed from the center for various reasons, but this joint team was brought in by the agency’s senior management, but the inputs arrived quickly. She said the branch will deliver medical supplies directly to the woredas from time to time and the bureau will then distribute them to the beneficiaries of the health community. The branch is to be commended for purchasing and distributing large medical equipments in the country, Lena said. Dire Dawa Branch Manager and Eastern Cluster Coordinator, Asnakech Lechsa, said it is providing direct services to the defense and federal police hospitals as well as to private health facilities.
Awol Hassan