Under this section are official documents outlining organizational standard procedures, the legal framework under which the Agency operates and legally viable documents produced by the Agency.
Under this section are official documents outlining organizational standard procedures, the legal framework under which the Agency operates and legally viable documents produced by the Agency.
These are projection on the quantification of pharmaceuticals demand and updates reflecting the impact of various factors on these projections.
Quality Policy
Ethiopian Pharmaceuticals Supply Agency (EPSA) is committed to supply quality assured essential pharmaceuticals to public health institutions at affordable prices in a sustainable manner through achieving the following strategic goals of
Revised Shortage/ Overage policy(የተሻሻለው የብልጫና ጉድለት መመሪያ)
Standard Bid Document (SBD) is an elaborate document dealing with all aspects of the bidding process. It includes a detailed presentation of bidding procedures, statement of requirement and contract. It incorporates forms, evaluation methodology, legal considerations, certification, conditions of termination, etc. Accordingly, bidders need to come up with their bid documents based on the SBD. Below is a downloadable version of the SBD.
Manuals are comprehensive guides used in carryout operations and are used as a reference book.
Standard Operating Procedures constitute a list of instructions and activities detailed step-by-step on how to complete a task or how to handle a specific situation when it arises in the workplace.
The proclamation officials announced the establishment of the Agency and sets its mandate. It defines the legal framework within which the Agency operates.
PSTP II Document
PFSA BPR Phar-Supply Chain Feb 21 2017
The monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework plays a vital role in governing assessments of implementation status, identifying successes and challenges as well as guiding implementers and stakeholders towards targets set.
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Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Supply Agency (EPSA) is a government organization under the Ministry of Health established under Proclamation No. 553/2007. Its mandate is to establish pharmaceutical procurement and distribution systems; establish modern storage management system; supply essential pharmaceuticals of quality, safety and efficacy; deliver pharmaceuticals directly to hospitals and health facilities via an effective transport network system.
Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Supply Service (EPSS) International Conferences Downloadable Documents